How do you manage well-being?

We understand that being away from home and adapting to a new environment can be challenging, so we have a range of measures in place to support the well-being of our boarding students.

First and foremost, our Boarding houses are staffed with experienced and caring adults trained to support our student's well-being. In addition, each boarding house has a Head of Boys or Girls Boarding and resident mentors responsible for our students' general welfare.

In addition to the support provided by our boarding house staff, we also have a range of other resources available to support the well-being of our students. For example, our counselling department provides confidential counselling services to students struggling with personal, academic, or social issues. We also have a school nurse available to provide medical care and advice to our students.

Physical activity is essential to well-being, so we offer a range of recreational facilities and opportunities for our students to engage in physical activity, such as playing fields, a gymnasium, and a swimming pool.

Overall, we take a holistic approach to well-being at Woodcreek School, addressing our students' physical, emotional, and social needs to ensure they have the support they need to thrive.
