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At Woodcreek School, Clubs are open to all pupils, with exceptional facilities, experienced teaching staff and a well-qualified support team to assist with cutting edge pre-habilitative work, recovery, strength and conditioning and psychology. All children are given every chance to better their performances in their chosen arenas.

Each student must belong to at least one Club of his/her choice. They are run by a Patron with a team of passionate teachers with a students’ leadership structure. Reports on Clubs/Programs activities may be followed from noticeboards, assemblies, school facebook page, magazines and newsletters.

They are required to engage, align and affiliate with other bodies that carry a similar mandate outside the school. A club or a program is expected to have at least one out of campus engagement every term.

Some of the clubs at our school include:
● Chess
Chess is a universal game, knowing no boundaries of age, gender, faith, ethnicity or disability, that promotes key intellectual skills such as problem solving, logical thinking, pattern recognition and concentration.

● Scouting
Scouting or the Scout Movement is a movement with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills that aims to support children in their physical, mental, and spiritual development so that they may play constructive roles in society.

● Environmental
Environmental club is a voluntary group comprising of students and teachers (club patrons) of our school which promotes participation of students in learning about and working towards the conservation and sustainability of their environment.

● Dance
Dance Club runs on Monday afternoon from 2.45-3.45 pm.Children can choose different types of dance, that they would like to try, at the beginning of the term

● Young Engineers
Young Engineers is an fun and educational programme that helps children to learn about STEM subjects while they build motorised Lego models.

● Cookery Club
Cookery club is done on Monday afternoon. In our dedicated cookery room our children get to explore a variety of cooking experiences. The children get fully involved and take great enjoyment from the mixing, rolling and cutting.


● Debate
Debate is an upcoming club with enormous potential for both the members and the society. It gives a forum for students to express their views and ideas about topical issues. It sharpens intellectual capacity, by improving decision making ability, creativity and critical thinking. Members also develop the art of good public speaking.

● Ballet
Ballet lessons are a wonderful way for both kids and adults to reap the health benefits of dance as well as learn self-discipline and body control.

● Taekwondo
Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind. Today, it has become a global sport that has gained an international reputation, and stands among the official games in the Olympics.

● Monkeynastix
The Monkeynastix programme is aimed at children aged 1-8 years old. A qualified instructor will visit a to run a class once a week

● Beadwork
Using beads and pipe cleaners, children can make story bracelets (about both familiar and new stories). This helps them practice sequencing, comprehension skills, and retelling. Using beads helps children develop fine motor skills, which is very important for writing.

● Media
Media Club engages students who exhibit interest and talent in photography and journalism (which includes stories)

● Skating
Roller-skating, recreational and competitive sport in which the participants use special shoes fitted with small wheels to move about on rinks or paved surfaces.

● Music
Piano, guitar, drums, clarinet, violin, saxophone, flute, trumpet, cornet and voice